You know, such as the debunked story about the supposed "Japan eyeball licking" craze.
So are we.
Interested in real, actionable expert advice on Japan?
You'll find it here.
The fact is news on Japan, from the Western media and Western perspective, normally falls into one of two categories, basically it's a bi-modal distribution that looks like this:
1. Japan is a cyberpunk weirdo country, where eyeball licking is the country's new favorite past time.
2. Japan is a robotic, lobotomized colony of Borg, ala the "Japan, Inc." or earlier "Yellow Peril" memes.
It's no wonder, then, that so many foreign firms underperform or fail in Japan.
But now there's a third school of journalism about Japan -- from the FirstPoint Japan school of journalism and it features actionable, ROI-based, expert advice.
It may not be as sexy or titillating as the eyeball licking or Akihabara maid cafe stories but it'll help you grow and accelerate your business in Japan at best and in the very least it'll ensure you keep your job.